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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Archived Blog Posts

What Should I Do If I have Water Dripping From My Light Fixtures?

11/2/2022 (Permalink)

Water coming out light fixture A light fixture can leak for a variety of reasons.

What to Do if Water Leaks from Your Light Fixture

Water leaks in your ceiling light fixtures can be alarming. You might think you have a plumbing problem, but it could also be caused by simple wear and tear. We'll walk you through the steps of diagnosing and repairing water damage caused by leaking light fixtures so that everything is back to normal, stat!

What Could Cause Water To Leak From a Ceiling Light Fixture?

A light fixture can leak for a variety of reasons. It could be the fixture itself, or it could be the wiring that connects to it. It could also be caused by problems with your home's plumbing system, or even issues with your roof.

If your light fixture is leaking, you need to pinpoint the cause of the leak as quickly as possible.

If the fixture itself is leaking, you may need to replace it. If the leak is caused by faulty wiring or plumbing issues, then you'll need to call a professional.

?The Dangers of Light Fixture Leaks

If you have water leaks from your ceiling light fixture, you’re not alone. These leaks are very common and can cause a lot of damage if they’re not taken care of quickly.

Light fixtures can leak for many different reasons, but there is one thing they all have in common: They need to be replaced by an expert as soon as possible. If you don't take care of these types of leaks right away, you could end up with some serious problems on your hands—including electrical hazards and other risks!

If your light fixture has started leaking recently, call your local electrician immediately for help with repairs. The sooner they get here, the better chance they have at preventing any further damage from occurring before it gets out of hand!

What to Do Before the Electrician Arrives

If you can, turn off the power to the fixture, this can help prevent any electrical risks. Find a bucket or container to catch the water and place it under your ceiling light to catch any water that is dripping and prevent any further damage from occurring. Next, locate an area where you can shut off your main water supply. This will completely stop any more water from leaking into your home.

Who to Call Next

Once you have called the electrician, the next step is to call a restoration company, like SERVPRO. The restoration company can ensure that the structural damage done by the leak is properly mitigated and restored. They will also ensure that you don't have any other hidden leaks present that might cause damage further down the road.

It's Best to Get it Fixed Right Away Before the Issue Gets Worse

If you have a water leak, it's best to get it fixed right away before the issue gets worse.

Water leaks can cause mold and mildew, which can lead to extensive damage to your property. If there is water in your ceiling lights, the moisture may seep down behind the drywall, causing damage to wires and wiring insulation. The water could also cause rot on wood walls or floors underneath; this can result in structural damage.

Not All Fire Damages Are Structural. What About Smoke Odor Damage?

10/28/2022 (Permalink)

Ozone generator Ozone machines are effective at cleaning up smoke odors

How Do I Remove Smoke Odor After a Fire?

Following a fire, smoke odor can linger for months. That lingering smoke odor can be a serious hazard and will affect the resale value of your property. You need a professional cleaning company to restore your home to pre-fire condition and eliminate unpleasant smoke odor and contaminants from the fire damage.

Smoke Can Permeate the Entire Structure

One of the most annoying and lingering effects of a fire is the smell of smoke that can permeate the entire structure. As you’re aware, this odor is caused by smoke particles that are released into the air during a fire. Smoke particles are very small and can get into the smallest cracks and crevices in your home or building, including air ducts. Even if you had your air ducts professionally cleaned after your fire damage, there is still a chance that some odor-causing particles may remain in them.

Thermal Foggers Neutralize Odors At Its Source

To treat smoke odors in your home, you have several options. The most effective is thermal fogging—a process in which a fog is generated with heat, then injected into the affected area to neutralize the odor at its source. The fog will also penetrate porous materials such as wood, upholstery and even carpeting.

Air Filtration Devices (AFD) Are Commonly Used

Air Filtration Devices (AFDs) are probably the most commonly used piece of equipment to help clean up after a fire. AFD's are used in homes and offices, but they can also be used in commercial buildings such as hotels, restaurants, nursing homes, and schools. 

Air filtration devices are similar to air purifiers as they have an air filter which removes smoke particles from the air as it passes through it. However, there is one difference between these two devices - an AFD removes odors from your home while purifiers do not remove odors from your home unless they have special filters installed that are specifically designed for this purpose (which most don't).

Ozone Machines Can Also Remove Foul Odors 

Ozone is a gas that is created when oxygen is exposed to ultraviolet light. It's a powerful oxidizer, meaning it can help remove odors from your home.

But before we go any further, let's be clear: ozone isn't the same as oxygen, even though it has "oxy" in its name. Oxygen atoms have eight protons, eight neutrons and eight electrons (O8) while ozone atoms only have seven of each (O7).

Ozone machines are effective at cleaning up smoke odors because they're able to break down organic compounds in the air by combining with them and making them into other compounds like carbon dioxide or water vapor.

If you have experienced a fire, call SERVPRO of North Naples. We can help restore your property to pre-fire condition and eliminate unpleasant smoke odor and contaminants from the fire damage. We will come out and assess the damage and develop a plan with you to handle everything from cleaning to restoration. Our professionals are certified in fire and smoke damage restoration by IICRC which means they know all there is to know about handling this type of situation. We'll make it right!

Avoid These Four Common Causes of House Fires

8/29/2022 (Permalink)

Lit candle Candles might look and smell nice, but they can lead to a fire if not used correctly.

Four Common Causes of House Fires

Experiencing a home fire is the last thing any homeowner wants to experience, but the presence of so many fire hazards in most houses leaves little room for error. While some fire causes might seem unavoidable, many of the homes addressed by a fire cleaning and restoration company are affected by preventable reasons. It is essential you are proactive and intentional in preventing a fire from starting in your home in Barefoot Beach, FL. A great place to start is by avoiding these four common causes house fires.

1. Cooking Fires

Whether caused by leaving cooking unattended, cooking while fatigued, or broken appliances, the kitchen is a common place for fires to start. Cooking with lots of oil can also lead to problematic grease fires that can be difficult to put out. It is important to always read the instructions when heating food and to keep flammable objects far away from the stove or oven when turned on.

2. Smoking Indoors

Lighting a cigarette indoors, especially in a bedroom, is a quick way to cause a home fire. Many belongings and furniture are flammable, which can be dangerous if butts aren't put out correctly or not placed in an ashtray.

3. Heating Appliances

Both portable heaters and home furnaces are major fire causes that can be prevented with proper use and maintenance. Heaters should never be placed in close proximity to flammable objects or used around pets and children. Make sure to get your furnace inspected yearly and quickly address any issues.

4. Candles

Candles might look and smell nice, but they can lead to a fire if not used correctly. Keep candles away from cats and young children, never leave lit candles unattended, and keep candles far away from curtains, carpet, and other flammable materials.
Being vigilant in removing potential fire hazards from your home and always being aware of your surroundings is the first step in keeping your house and family safe from a home fire. Start with these four common house fire causes.

What To Do After Your Basement Floods

8/20/2022 (Permalink)

Completely flooded basement A flooded basement can cause lots of damage to your home.

Steps to Take If Your Basement Floods

Even if you prepare for an impending rainstorm, water can still enter your Pine Ridge, FL, home. The lower level of a house is particularly prone to flooding. If you do experience a basement flood, follow the below steps.

1. Avoid the Basement Until the Water Is Gone
Even a small amount of water can create an electrocution hazard. Ideally, you should keep everyone out of the basement until the water has been drained. You should also turn off any circuits within the basement. You can put some dry wood on the ground or stand on a ladder to access the circuits without getting wet.
If the water damage is minimal, you may be able to remove the water yourself with a vacuum. Plug the vacuum into an upstairs circuit, and keep all cords away from the fluid as you work. Be sure to wear rubber boots, as well.
A severe basement flood may cover the electrical outlets with water. This further increases the risk of electrocution. Ideally, these floods should only be handled by trained emergency restoration professionals. As long as you have proper insurance coverage, the cost of the cleanup should be relatively low.

2. Replace Equipment
The restoration experts may be able to salvage some parts of your basement, such as the carpet and drywall. However, you should discard and replace damaged mechanical and electrical equipment, including motors and appliances.

3. Prevent Future Floods
Once the cleanup is complete, you should take steps to limit future flooding. Consider installing a foundation drain or purchasing a backup sump pump. Sealing any cracks or flaws in the foundation can also prevent a basement flood.
A flooded basement can cause lots of damage to your treasured items. While you may be tempted to dry your belongings on your own, entering the lower level of your home after a flood can be dangerous. You should thus focus primarily on preventative measures and let the experts handle the repairs.

Getting Ready for a Flood

8/15/2022 (Permalink)

cars in heavy rain on a flooded road Avoid driving through any standing water.

Are You Prepared For Flood Damage?

Flooding occurs when water temporarily overflows onto normally dry land. Floods and flood damage is the most common natural disaster in the United States. The best way to ensure you weather this storm safely is to be prepared and know what to do when faced with disaster.

There are several things you can do to prepare for flooding. Here are crucial steps you need to take to get your business ready:

  • Know your flood risk
  • Purchase flood insurance
  • Flood-proof your building
  • Identify your storm restoration company of choice

Stay Safe
When flooding occurs, evacuate immediately when instructed to do so. During the evacuation process, do not drive around barricades. First responders use these to direct traffic away from flooded areas. Furthermore, do not drive through any standing water. Turn around and find another route away from the area. Otherwise, you could find yourself swept away in the current. Likewise, avoid any bridges that have fast-moving water underneath them. These are susceptible to collapse at any moment. If your car ends up in fast-moving water, stay inside. If water starts rising inside the vehicle, move to the roof.

Keep Your Guard Up
After a disaster in Pelican Bay, FL, be sure to listen to the proper authorities. They will let you know when it is safe to return to your business. When you return to the site, be sure to avoid driving through any standing water.
Once you get to your building, you need to remove debris immediately while wearing heavy work gloves and a face covering. People with lung or other health issues should not participate in the cleanup. Children and the elderly should also avoid cleaning up debris. Keep in mind that there may be small animals living in your building.
Floods and storm damage can be disastrous if mishandled. However, knowing what to do in the face of an emergency will help you protect yourself and your business.

Do You Have a Mold Problem?

7/29/2022 (Permalink)

black spots of mold growth in a wall One of the more common signs of fungal growth is the development of blackish spots

Have You Got a Mold Issue?

Sometimes something just seems off. As a business owner in Naples Park, FL, you know your building. You understand how it works, and you can feel when the premises are different. In fact, your chances of spore growth are likely if you can answer yes to any of the following three questions below. If you do, then reach to an indoor environmental specialist for guidance in locating and eradicating the hazard.

1. Do You See Spots?
One of the more common signs of fungal growth is the development of blackish spots, signs that spores are reproducing. Using a household cleaner is a common first line of defense. However, those spots are only an external sign of an internal problem. Chances are you have a leak inside the walls. If that's the case, the spots are a signal of a serious issue that needs attention. Have the source fixed, and call in a mold restoration company to complete a mold test. These professionals can determine the extent of the infestation.

2. Is There a Strange Odor?
Not all contamination is visibly evident. In fact, sometimes one of the first signs is a musty odor, a by-product of spores breeding. In this situation, you'll need to uncover the location of the trouble. Work with an indoor environmental specialist. This expert has high tech equipment systems and can conduct a thorough investigation into the situation, pinpointing where you need to attack.

3. Have You Experienced a Flood?
Anytime water exposure increases mold growth could happen. Flooding, particularly, leaves businesses vulnerable. The deluge not only brings a dramatic increase in moisture, but the fluid also transfers high levels of microorganisms. It's the perfect storm for pollution. Those little microbes just dig on deep into anything porous. It may not be noticed at first, but you'll want a mold and water remediation crew to immediately attend to the premises. They should dry out the humidity and tear ruined materials.
If you suspect mold development, look for signs. Spots, odor, and water accumulation are primary indicators. Then, work with an indoor environmental specialist to find the extent of the invasion.

Why Your Restoration Service Looks for Secondary Damage

7/29/2022 (Permalink)

Water from ceiling running on a wall Water loss after 48 hours turns into mold damage

Why Your Restoration Service Looks for Secondary Damage

After a flood at your Pelican Bay, FL, place of business, it’s possible for secondary damage such as black mold, warped wood, or rusting metal to occur. Fortunately, your local water damage restoration service is already trained to look for these types of damages. Here are a few things you may want to know about why they do this.

1. What Secondary Damage Is

This type of damage is any damage that occurs as a result of the original damage. For example, high humidity after flooding can lean to mold problems, or could cause softening and crumbling of drywall. Wood can have warping from soaking in floodwater, and metal can rust leading to compromised integrity of plumbing fastenings.

2. How It Affects the Property

There are a number of ways this can affect your business property. Any type of mold, including black mold, can feed on the organic components of the building material weakening it. Warped wood can lead to uneven flooring, and rusting metal may cause issues with areas such as plumbing leading to additional long term problems. All of this can also cause the property to lose value.

3. What a Restoration Crew Can Do

A restoration team has been trained to deal with a variety of damage types. These include the damages that may be classified as secondary. In many cases they can clean the area and begin repairs, both restoring and replacing materials as needed. With a little time that can have the business looking “Like it never even happened.”

Secondary damage can take a number of forms, including black mold. This can negatively affect the property and reduce both it’s integrity and it’s value. Fortunately, your local restoration service can help conduct clean up, repairs, cleaning, and sometimes can help with prevention as well. If you have any questions the restoration team should be able to help.

What to Know About Secondary Damage After Water Problems

7/13/2022 (Permalink)

Mold growth on wall due to humidity Water damage can lead to mold growth.

What to Know About Secondary Damage After Water Problems

After flooding at your East Naples, FL business you may have water damage. But did you know that if left unattended water damage can lead to secondary water damage problems such as black mold? Here are three additional problems you can prevent at your place of business by contacting a water damage restoration service to quickly restore the property.

1. Swollen Wood
Another aspect of water damage is that when left unattended it can lead to high humidity, which in turn can lead to warped or swollen wood. This particular problem can lead to additional structural damage when pieces no longer fit together correctly. If this becomes the case your restoration professional may have to replace some materials.

2. Mold Problems
In many cases, mold problems, including black mold, can arise from water damage that has been left unattended. The moisture can be a contributing factor to the habitat mold is most often grown in. with enough humidity, access to organic material such as wood, and some time, you may find your business property has a mold problem. Fortunately, many restoration services have the ability to deal with this problem as well as water damage.

3. Foundation Cracks
Another form of secondary damage that could occur is cracking in the property’s foundation. This can occur after standing water soaks in and begin to expand and contract with the presence of warming and cooling temperatures. Over time this can weaken the material of the foundation. If this is the case it’s best to consult with a professional.
If you’re looking to prevent long-term problems such as swollen wood, black mold, or foundation cracking at your place of business it’s best to contact a restoration service as soon as water damage is found. 

3 Steps To Take After Experiencing Commercial Water Damage

6/25/2022 (Permalink)

Drying equipment (air movers) placed in the hallway of an office. Contact local commercial building restoration services.

Three Things To Do If Your Business Suffers From Commercial Water Damage

When water overtakes your business space due to plumbing issues, natural floods or any other misfortune, repairs can be extensive and daunting to get the building back to its previous condition. Here are three steps you can take to tackle any water damage in your North Naples, FL, building and prevent it from occurring again. 

1. Begin Insurance Claims Process
As soon as you notice water within your building, contact your insurance company and file a damage claim. This is an important step to ultimately determine how costly the restoration and repair process will be. Compile photo evidence along with any moisture detector readings you may have to relay to insurers. 

2. Contact a Water Cleanup Crew
You should quickly contact local commercial building restoration services. These trained experts are best equipped to remove any standing water, dry the structure out, disinfect all impacted surfaces and issue necessary repairs. Even if you think there is only minor damage, there could be a larger unseen issue that may go unresolved without mitigation from professionals. 

3. Perform Routine Maintenance
Commercial water damage can present itself through broken pipes, a leaking roof, malfunctioning fire sprinklers and a myriad of other causes. To best prevent future water issues, be sure to perform regular maintenance on areas of the building where water collection is possible. This includes routine inspection of pipes, the sprinkler system, heating and cooling systems, and toilets. Along with regular inspections, be sure to keep records of any repairs or replacements issued. This will keep you on top of potential water issues before they occur. 
A major flooding event can impact businesses every day. If your commercial property is affected by water damage, it's important to immediately file an insurance claim, contact building restoration professionals and keep up with necessary maintenance to prevent further water issues. 

3 Things To Include in Every Fire Escape Plan

6/14/2022 (Permalink)

Orange background, map and its routes. Concept of a fire escape plan Map out several routes out of your home.

Three Things To Include In a Fire Escape Plan

A fire can happen out of nowhere and devastate your life. While you likely hope that nothing bad ever happens to your South Naples, FL, home, you always want to err on the side of caution and prepare for the worst. That way, you and your family will know exactly what to do if disaster strikes. Here are three things to include in your fire escape plan. 

1. Know the Exit Routes
Because you won't know where the fire is coming from when you put your fire preparation plan in place, you need to map out several routes out of your home. If you have windows on the second floor, make sure you plan for ways to get down to the ground. If necessary, purchase emergency ladders to keep in multiple rooms upstairs, so there is always one accessible. 

2. Gather Home Fire Mitigation Items
No fire escape plan is complete without ways to alert you of a fire and help you try to control it. Install smoke detectors in each bedroom and the main living areas. Additionally, it's always helpful to have a fire extinguisher on hand. Depending on the size of the fire, it may not put it out completely, but it could give your family the time they need to get out safely. 

3. Compile a List of Important Numbers
Fires can spread quickly, and you might not have time to grab your phone while escaping. Instead of only keeping all of your important numbers on your phone, write down a list of emergency contact numbers to use in case of a fire and keep the list near multiple emergency exit points. Include phone numbers of friends and family members and a fire damage restoration company that will address the fire's aftermath. 
Putting together a fire escape plan might seem like an unnecessary step. However, if a fire hits your South Naples, FL, home, you'll be thankful you took the time to prepare. 

Honing Our Skills

6/3/2022 (Permalink)

Training session Our SERVPRO teams participate in continued education in Chicago, IL

Restoration Training Session in Chicago

At SERVPRO, we place a high premium on continued education and company culture. We never stop equipping our teams with the latest knowledge and techniques in restoration to ensure the best possible results for those who need our services.

This past week, our Chicago teams held a training event for all company staff, including our Florida teams, and those who could not make it in person attended virtually. The training was broken down between teams, with dedicated sessions for sales, office, and production staff. 

We are passionate about creating powerful company culture that brings people together to help others, and trainings like this one help us do just that — not only bolstering our top-notch but also our relationships with each other. 

If your home or business has been affected by water, fire, or storm damage, SERVPRO is here with the training and technology to restore your property faster and better. 

How To Recognize and Clean Up Black Water Damage

6/2/2022 (Permalink)

Sewage water on the floor Sewage water on the floor in a home in Naples Lakes, FL.

How to Identify and Repair Black Water Damage

Three hundred gallons per day: That’s how much water the average American household uses, most of which is indoors. What happens when it doesn’t go where it’s supposed to? When water escapes the confines of the pipes and tanks that hold it, severe damage can occur. The kind of damage done is divided into three categories based on the type of water and the possibility of harmful effects:

  • Clean water
  • Gray water
  • Black water

What's the Difference Between Black and Gray Waters?

While clean water comes from water pipes and is clear of any substances, black and gray water are contaminated. Also called category 2, gray water is residential wastewater and contains quantities of physical, chemical, or biological elements such as soap and other residues. It does not contain feces. Possible sources include a washing machine, dishwasher, or bathtub. Untreated, this category can develop further contamination and be reclassified to the next level.
Black, or category 3, water is grossly contaminated and carries high levels of biological waste such as feces, urine, and medical or other unsanitary materials. It is the most serious category. Several possible sources are broken or ruptured sewer/septic lines, backed-up toilets or other clogged sewage lines, or storm surges. This type of water damage poses the highest risk and requires fast and specialized cleaning and restoration to prevent further problems.

What Can You Do About Black Water?

A leak or flood of unsanitary material, and the resulting damage to your home, can be frustrating and stressful. Residential water contamination of all types, especially that which is highly polluted and requires sewage cleanup, needs remediation as quickly and effectively as possible. Due to the potential for health risks and progression, cleanup should be left to restoration professionals. Improperly cleaned and dried items can cause more damage over time, such as mold, foul odors, and even structural damage.
Black water can pose immediate and long-term risks to health and property. Seeking professional cleanup services in Naples Lakes, FL is the best way to mitigate any risks and bring you peace of mind.

What You Need To Know About Black Water

5/20/2022 (Permalink)

Flood cuts performed on a drywall, baseboards removed, carpet floor removed in a bedroom Storm damage to a bedroom in Vanderbilt Beach, FL.

When a home in Vanderbilt Beach, FL, experiences heavy rain and subsequential flooding, water damage is the first concern on residents' minds. However, flood water carries with it numerous contaminants that can present issues with clean-up. This type of water is also known as black water.

What Is Black Water?

Black water is water that can't be utilized for drinking, cleaning, or any other use in your home. That's because it has become so contaminated that using it presents health risks. Flood water could contain any number of contaminants:

  • chemicals
  • sewage
  • hazardous materials

Contaminated water should never be utilized for any purpose around the home.

How Does Black Water Occur?

Water contamination can occur during and after heavy rainfalls and flooding. Flood water carries with it everything that was on the ground prior to the rain. This can include fertilizers and underground sewage.
Water that has been exposed to these contaminants can quickly become breeding grounds for viruses and bacteria. For this reason, you should never attempt to clean up this type of water damage yourself.

How Does Black Water Clean Up Occur?
After a disaster such as flooding, help becomes available right away. Between your home insurance company and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), you'll find options for other places to stay while your home is restored.
A professional restoration company will assess the damage, isolate the black water, and determine the next steps for removing the sewage and restoring the home. These experts will also determine which building materials must be removed and which are unexposed or can be safely cleaned and remain.
Areas of the home impacted by flooding should always be avoided until they have been professionally cleaned and repaired. While experiencing flooding can feel devastating, the safety of the occupants of the home should always be the first concern.

3 Problems Smoke Damage Can Cause In Your Commercial Building

5/10/2022 (Permalink)

Visible damage to a commercial building following a structure fire Commercial fire damage in Barefoot Beach, FL.

How Smoke Can Affect Your Business?

When a fire damages your Barefoot Beach, FL, business property, you may find yourself facing more than scorched walls or a compromised roof. Smoke damage can be a major problem and difficult to clean. This type of issue often causes multiple problems and understanding how smoke can affect your business may help you to choose cleaning services that can restore it properly.

1. Corrosion

Smoke and soot damage can corrode many different items, especially electronics and many types of metal. When smoke residue is not removed completely, it can continue the corrosion process over time and cause machinery and important electronic systems to malfunction. In many cases, corrosion occurs where you cannot see it, which makes it more difficult to handle with everyday cleaning methods.

2. Discoloration From Smoke Damage

After a fire, building materials, such as drywall, can absorb smoke and cause discoloration to painted surfaces. It can yellow many surfaces and cause them to appear aged or dirty. Your building's decor can also become discolored when smoke residue remains on its surfaces, which customers may notice. Smoke can also leave behind a bitter, sooty odor on these items, which can linger for months after a fire.

3. Acidity Can Affect Windows

The acid content of smoke can affect glass, as after the material absorbs it, most types of glass take on a tarnished appearance. This discoloration often becomes worse over time, especially during periods of high humidity or if your building retains moisture. A fire restoration and mitigation service can perform smoke cleaning services to protect your building's glass and prevent discoloration that may make it appear unsanitary or old.
When smoke damage affects your Barefoot Beach, FL, business, ensuring that all your building's systems are free of harmful residue can be challenging. However, when you understand the type of issues smoke might cause, the more confident you might feel when it comes to calling for help to eliminate it completely and protect your property.

Deodorization After the Disaster: Hydroxyl Generators as an Option

5/5/2022 (Permalink)

Hydroxyl generator, generator used to remove smoke odor Hydroxyl generators are similar to ozone ones.

Deodorization After the Disaster

Flooding can result in extensive water damage that requires the services of a professional cleanup and restoration company in Pelican Marsh, FL, to repair. One common and unpleasant effect of a flood is the presence of a lingering odor. This smell may cling to furniture and saturate the air in a structure for long periods if not dealt with. It is generally the result of mold growth, sewage loss, flood water or a combination of two or all of these. The first is caused by the creation of habitats conducive to the fungus's development, namely areas with excess moisture. The second comes about when flowing waters drag along waste from the streets and sewers. The final saturates items in a structure, allowing the odor-producing microbes inhabiting it to emit bad scents in rooms. Hydroxyl generators are a tool commonly used to deodorize buildings.

How Do They Work?
Hydroxyl generators are similar to ozone ones. The difference is that instead of ozone they create hydroxyl radicals (OH molecules). They do so by mimicking a natural process, the reaction of ultraviolet rays from the sun with oxygen and water vapor, through the use of UV lights. These hydroxyls pull in hydrogen atoms, causing the breakdown of odor molecules and volatile compounds in the air.

What Benefits Are Associated With Them?
Besides the obvious stink-removal, hydroxyl generators also come with other benefits, including:

Variability - they can remove virtually any kind of odor, from the musty scent of mold growth to the stench of protein fires
Sanitization - as the decomposition of particles in the air proceeds, the process actually extends to certain objects like furniture and textiles, heading off microbial development (this does not apply to the penetration of walls)
Ease - the equipment is simple to use and move around
Safety - hydroxyls cause no damage to materials

Hydroxyl generators are a valuable tool for deodorizing commercial property after a flood. They can handle odors from mold growth, sewage and bacteria.

Important Actions to Take in Naples Before a Flood

4/7/2022 (Permalink)

Documents inside plastic bins Put important documents in a waterproof safe.

Three Ways To Protect Yourself In Case of a Flood watch

If your city just announced a flood watch, you still have time to prepare and should do so, mainly because you and your home are likely to be impacted. Even if no flood watch has been issued, keep in mind these three things restoration professionals recommend you do for your own protection.

1. Purchase Insurance

Flooding is usually not part of a standard North Pine Ridge, FL homeowner’s insurance policy, and a specific rider has to be purchased. Do you rent, or are you a business owner? Then this applies to you as well. If you live in an area that floods periodically, don’t risk it. Financial protection for the cost of flood repairs can give you a peace of mind, and it’s not worth having to deal with the financial hardship.

2. Protect Possessions

Now that you still have time to prepare your property, it’s advised that you do what you can to reduce the risk of flood damage to your structure and belongings. Put important documents in a waterproof safe. Valuable items, food, clothing, curtains, electronics, chemicals and anything else you want to protect should be elevated. If you have enough time to elevate all your belongings, do so. Any outdoor furniture and tools are to be moved inside, as they can be swept away. Removing everything from the walls is a good idea since the wallboard could soften up, causing everything to drop into the water. Furthermore, block the main sewage outlet and shut off all gas and electric service. Experts also recommend you clear debris from gutters, downspouts and storm drains.

3. Evacuate

If you don’t have time to prepare your residence because a flood warning has been issued, evacuate immediately. You don’t want to end up being trapped in your flooded house and risk your family’s safety. Should you not be able to evacuate, avoid entering flooded areas or standing water by car or foot. Don’t risk your life. Also, be advised that flood water is highly contaminated black water.

Bear in mind these aspects at all times. After flooding, restoration experts are there for you to clean up the flood and storm damage. 

Protecting Your Commercial Building After a Fire

3/29/2022 (Permalink)

People escape to fire exit door If a fire breaks out in your building, first thing is to get everyone out.

In Pelican Bay, FL, your business is your lifeline, so it is understandable that following a fire, your desire is to protect it from further destruction. Fire damage can also mean it is a safety hazard, so in the first place, you don’t want anyone getting inside and becoming hurt or looting your building – a common problem following damage to a business. Fire cleanup needs to wait until your insurance company is alerted, but there are some things that need to be done right away.

What To Do Immediately After the Fire

The first things you should do if a fire breaks out are to get everyone out of the building as quickly as possible and to call 911 to send firefighters. No attempts should be made to re-enter the building once the fire is out. Even though you may be tempted to go look around, you should notify your insurance company and call for local fire restoration professionals to come and board up and secure the building against the weather and looters. There are several methods that can be used to close openings.

The roof can be tarped to prevent wet weather from entering
Sheets of plywood may be fastened over doors and windows
Lay wooden studs in the tracks of windows and doors to prevent them from opening
Remove valuables to a secure location for storage

Fire damage can make your building more vulnerable to looting and weather damage as openings may be created by segments of the structure falling during a blaze, a firefighters battering ram through a wall or door to get water inside or even exploding chemicals. All of these openings are a potential threat to security and an invitation to a looter. Boarding up is critical to help maintain a secure building.
If you are dealing with fire damage in Pelican Bay, FL, get the help you need to walk you through the process and stay by your side until the restoration is complete. Fire cleanup and rehabilitation of your commercial building can help make things as good as new.

How Safe Is It to Handle Each Type of Contaminated Water?

3/15/2022 (Permalink)

Drying equipment placed against cabinets of sink It is important to quickly dry out your property after a water leak.

Types of Contaminated Water

Contaminated water can take many different forms. Some homes in Naples Park, FL will experience a flood of predominantly clean other while other abodes have to contend with black water. No matter what type of water came out of the supply line, you need to take quick action to have professionals remedy the situation right away.

1. Clean Water

While Category 1 water is called “clean” professionally, it may still contain substances that make it unsafe to drink. This type of water generally comes from a sink or tub. It may even pick up contaminants from the ground. For instance, tub water that overflows may pick up particles from the flooring outside of the tub. While you should avoid getting any Category 1 water in your mouth, it should not cause any ill side effects by simply pooling there.

2. Grey Water

Grey water, also known as Category 2 water, often comes from washing machines, dishwashers and sump pumps. It will contain physical, biological or chemical contaminants, but it will not consist of any fecal matter. Bacteria will likely be in it, so it can result in health complications if someone touches it. Sometimes even simply being exposed to this kind of contaminated water can result in health problems.

3. Black Water

Black water is the most dangerous type of water to be exposed to. Houses fill with this when water backs up from the septic tank, meaning there will often be fecal matter within the water. It can be extremely dangerous to be exposed to Category 3 water for an extended period of time.

No matter which category of water you have in your home in Naples Park, FL, you need to get it removed immediately. Standing water, regardless of the type of contaminants within it, can result in mold development. The contaminated water, as well as walls and other items exposed to the moisture, will need to be removed posthaste.

3 Common Commercial Irrigation System Problems

3/1/2022 (Permalink)

Broken head of an irrigation system When the head of an irrigation system is obstructed it might be due to the head being clogged.

Commercial Irrigation System Problems

Is your building in East Naples, FL, experiencing irrigation problems? There are usually only a few common troubles that affect a standard irrigation system, and the fixes are usually simple ones.

1. Clogged or Obstructed Heads

The most common and simplest issue is a clogged head. The cause is any number of things: foot traffic, lawn care equipment and workers, pets or wild animals, or simply just weather and erosion. To start, check all of your system's heads to see if any are clogged with dirt or crooked. Gently clean any dirt or other debris such as leaves away from the heads. If any are crooked, gently straighten them. This fix helps to clear up any uneven pressure or individual heads that weren't working.

2. Excess or Inadequate Flow

Whether it's too much or not enough water, both aren't good for the health of your lawn. Before doing anything, check your irrigation system controller and be sure that it has been properly adjusted. It might be helpful to check your owner's manual or call the installer if you aren't sure how to operate your system. Next, determine if the flow is uneven across the lawn or if it's concentrated into one area. From this, you can tell if it's a valve issue or a head issue.

3. Leaking Valves or Pipes

As the seasons change, your system needs a lot of maintenance. Along with adjusting your flow from the controller box, you should also be checking for any leaking valves or pipes. If you have already found a leaky pipe or if you've had a sudden burst, it's best to call in a water damage cleanup and restoration specialist. These experts are equipped with special tech to make cleanup a cinch.
Troubleshooting an irrigation system is simple once you know the common problems and have the reassurance of a professional in case things go wrong.

What Is the Best Kind of Fire Extinguisher for Your Home?

2/17/2022 (Permalink)

Fire extinguisher on the gray wall Being prepared to stop a fire before it spreads can be the difference between a great fire restoration job and a quick cleanup.

What Type Of Fire Extinguisher Is Best For Your Home?

The chance of a fire occurring in your home in North Naples, FL, is higher than you’d think. Being prepared to stop a fire in its tracks before it has chance the spread can be the difference between a big fire restoration job and a quick cleanup. One great tool in combatting fires is a fire extinguisher. Use this guide to help determine which extinguisher is best for your home.

Extinguisher Classification

The first step in choosing the best extinguisher to prevent a home fire is understanding how they are classified. Extinguishers used in homes are labeled depending on what types of fires they are effective at fighting. Here are the most common ones you’ll see:

  • Class A: used in fires caused by wood, paper, plastic, and textiles
  • Class B: put out flammable liquid fires
  • Class C: Used if a fire that is caused by a live electrical source
  • Class A-B-C: Can be used on any of the fires that a Class A, B, or C extinguisher can put out

UL Rating System

Apart from an alphabetical classification system, each fire extinguisher has a numerical rating on the label. For this rating system, the higher the number the more effective the extinguisher. An A rating reveals how many gallons of water it is equivalent to, and the B rating reveals how many square feet the extinguisher can cover.

Disposable or Rechargeable

Extinguishers come in either disposable or rechargeable models. While disposable models are cheaper initially, rechargeable extinguishers are cheaper in the long run.

Sizing Options

There are four main options when choosing what size fire extinguisher you need:

  • Two Pound: For the car
  • Five Pound: For the laundry room
  • Ten Pound: For the garage
  • Stove-Top: For the kitchen

Practice fire preparedness in your home by getting a fire extinguisher! Pay attention to the label before you buy it, consider your budget, and choose the size that’s ideal for the location you’re putting it in.

4 Tips for Commercial Roof Maintenance

2/17/2022 (Permalink)

Roofer installing Roofing felt with heating and melting roll of bitumen roll by torch on flame If repairs are needed, a commercial storm damage professional can provide the expertise needed for a cost-effective solution.

4 Roof Maintenance Tips For Businesses

As one of the most valuable and necessary components of your business’s infrastructure, your commercial roof requires regular maintenance. Damage can appear in the form of a roof leak, wind damage or heat damage, and doing as much as you can to prevent and correct this is imperative to saving money and resources down the line. Here are a few tips for inspecting and maintaining your commercial roof in East Naples, FL.

1. Perform regular inspections with a qualified

professional. Schedule regular inspections every six months with a qualified inspector. Additionally, schedule inspections after storms to assess for any wind damage that could make your building more susceptible to a roof leak. In the event of a hail storm with ¾ inch or greater sized hail, schedule an inspection with your insurer to ensure damage did not occur. If repairs are needed, a commercial storm damage professional can provide the expertise needed for a cost-effective solution.

2. Seal vents and skylights.

Check to make sure all vents are sealed to prevent debris and leaks. Regularly take a special look around any skylights and other roof features to make sure all edges are sealed and equipment remains properly secured.

3. Keep records of previous damage.

Because repairs to previous damage can create weak spots in the roof, keep a record of any previous storm damage or repairs made. Keep a closer eye on these areas during inspections or after any severe weather events.

4. Trim trees and keep gutters clear.

To prevent trees from scratching at the roof or creating wind damage, trim branches to create a safe clearance. Also, regularly check gutters to make sure they have not become clogged with twigs or leaves.

Performing regular maintenance and inspections is an essential part of ensuring your commercial roof’s longevity. Following these tips can help you, as a business owner, minimize the risk of a roof leak or other potential damage.

Why SERVPRO’s Claims Inventory System Might Be an Insurance Agent’s Best Friend

2/17/2022 (Permalink)

A Truck from a restoration company SERVPRO can provide you with the tools you need to do the best for both your client and the agency.

Why SERVPRO's Claims Inventory System Could Be A Lifesaver For Insurance Agents

When a client suffers damage to their Naples Park, FL home, they will undoubtedly file an insurance claim. While working through the claim, you may end up accumulating quite a bit of related materials. In order to make the process easier for you, SERVPRO has a claims inventory system to help you keep track of any necessary information. These are a few things that they can provide for you.

1. Pictures of Damaged Items

During the restoration process, SERVPRO will take pictures of any damaged items which will make it easier for you when determining what the client has lost. They will provide you with an itemized loss inventory that includes photos of items and an Excel formatted report.

2. A Complete Job File

Along with the loss inventory, the Claims Information Center can give you an electronic job file with information you might need to complete the insurance claim. This will include loss photos, the first notice of loss as well as a detailed estimate of repair costs. They will also provide scanned copies of important paperwork and forms. It can be emailed to you or, if you prefer, you can receive a hard copy.

3. Online Access to Files

In order to make your work easier, as the insurance agent, you will have online access to all files related to the job. Having this information when you need it can help you complete the process more quickly. It can also help you to be sure you are making the best, most informed decision when it comes to your client’s claim.

When you are working on an insurance claim with your client, you want to have the most accurate data so you can make the right call for him or her. Using a damage restoration service that helps in this area can make it easier. SERVPRO can provide you with the tools you need to do the best for both your client and the agency.

7 Steps To Take After a Pipe Breaks

1/23/2022 (Permalink)

Drying equipment in a property Water damage loss in Naples Lakes, FL.

When a Pipe Breaks, Follow These 7 Steps

Whether water freezes and breaks a pipe or the pipe gets old and ruptures, bursting pipes are one of most homeowners’ worst nightmares in Naples Lakes, FL. Not only can the water quickly destroy the items inside the house, but it can also lead to other problems such as mold, mildew and pests. To slow the impact of the pooling water, take these seven steps.

1. Close the water valve.

Prevent further water from entering your home by turning off the water valve. If you can’t find a valve, turn off the water main in the street.

2. Call in the pros.

Contacting a water mitigation specialty team can speed your home’s recovery process. Not only are they knowledgeable, but they have the tools to fix a broken pipe and quickly renew your home.

3. Open a water faucet.

By opening a faucet on the same line as the leaking pipe after the water is off, any residual pressure can be alleviated.

4. Remove standing water.

Getting the water off the floor as quickly as possible can keep it from soaking down into flooring and up into walls. Stopping the water damage can save you not only money but also weeks of home repairs.

5. Sort through items.

Damaged items should be sorted as soon as possible into discard and salvageable piles. All wet items should then be removed from the area, with discarded items going to into the trash.

6. Ventilate the area.

Bursting pipes can leave the damaged area wet and muggy. To remove the humidity and help dry the area more thoroughly, ventilate the room. Open windows and set up fans to aid in the humidity transfer.

7. Call your insurance company.

Not all water problems need to be reviewed by an insurance adjuster, but if your damage is severe, call your insurance company and request they open a file.

Bursting pipes do not need to be a life-changer when you take these seven steps. You can be in control of keeping the water damage to a minimum, and that feels good.

Ensuring Security: Steps To Take After a Fire`

1/14/2022 (Permalink)

Visible damage to a commercial building following a structure fire Commercial fire damage in Vanderbilt Beach, FL.

Ensure Your Building Is Secure After a Fire

A fire in your commercial building in Vanderbilt Beach, FL, will likely leave you with a long task list. One of the first things on that list should be security. Fire damage can make your property vulnerable to inclement weather, vandalism and theft. There are three main steps to ensure your building is secure after a blaze.

1. Make Necessary Calls

One of the first contacts you should make after you call your insurance agent is to a fire restoration company. Not only does this get the fire cleanup process started quickly before secondary damage can occur, it also enlists experts who can advise you on how to best secure your building. While you may have thought to lock the doors and board up the windows, you may not be thinking about the damage a rainstorm could cause through the new hole in the roof. Certified specialists are trained to identify every step needed to protect your property well.

2. Enact Protection Plan

The safety plan for your building should include securing it after fire damage occurs. Know who is in charge of completing the walkthrough with emergency personnel and preparing the subsequent report. Delegate a specific person to make sure the structure is boarded up. It’s also a good idea to have a watch team that acts as a guard against would-be intruders until experts can secure the area properly.

3. Remove Valuables

Some people look at buildings in vulnerable states as targets for their next crime. Looting is a real possibility after a fire. Fortunately, there is an easy way to prevent this problem. The best way to protect your valuables is simply to remove them from the compromised structure. Thieves can’t steal something that isn’t there.

Fire damage is enough of a problem itself. You don’t need to add to your worries by leaving your building open to other issues. Securing your property while it is being restored may protect it from further risk.

Getting Rid of Mold After a Flood

1/5/2022 (Permalink)

Black mold growth on a drywall. Water damage can cause mold growth in your home.

Keep Your Home Safe From Mold

When a storm hits Barefoot Beach, FL, flooding in your home could cause some serious issues. While the water alone is a problem, mold growth can create further difficulties that may remain or return if not properly handled. Untreated water damage can be a growing source for the fungus, and musty smells can be an indication of mold already growing inside your house. Here are some steps you can take to keep your home safe from mold.

1. Act quickly. Within just a couple of days, mold growth can spread across your house. Mold is present nearly everywhere. It is distributed as small spores too tiny to be seen by the naked eye, so it can grow even where you may not see it. It’s important to work as quickly as you can to ensure the cleanup of water damage to prevent this.

2. If you find mold, avoid direct contact with it. Disturbing the mold yourself may cause further problems if you do not have the proper equipment and training. Touching it and attempting to dry it can cause it to release more spores into the air.

3. Get rid of all of the mold. What mold you may be able to find is likely only a small amount of the entire infestation, so trying to handle it all by yourself can make matters worse. Professionals with proper training and equipment should be able to safely locate all of the mold, even if it’s deep beneath layers of drywall.

4. Make sure it doesn’t come back. Mold removal is only half of the job, as this involves getting rid of the mold that has already grown. However, mold spores are almost everywhere and cannot be seen. This is when mold remediation is important. This ensures that mold doesn’t grow again from other sources of water or high humidity.

While flooding can be a harmful problem in Barefoot Beach, FL, there are ways to ensure that mold growth doesn’t persist after the flood. If you are careful in handling the problem, you can ensure that you continue living in a mold-free home for many years to come.


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